
Our latest news and stories from our lab are posted on our social media accounts. Follow us on our social media accounts.

Read our latest Community Board Pick blog by Materials Horizons Community Board member @GuselnikovaOlya summarising the recent work by @YadongYin_UCR on magnetic assembly of plasmonic chiral superstructures 🔗

Great #COAST24 conference organized by @valtinerlab @tu_wien & #CEST in scenic heart of #Vienna with @BernhardFickl on 🧊 #ice on #graphene ( & Bodo Baumgartner on #3Dprinting of #2Dmaterials 👍👍

3rd Conference of Applied Surface Technology (COAST), organized by Markus Valtiner and colleagues from CEST, Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna, 6.-7.5.2024, with strong MECS participation.

T minus 1 day: all systems GO.
@COE_MECS @tu_wien @univienna @ISTAustria @uniinnsbruck #tuvienna #uniwien #ISTAustria #uniinnsbruck
(Registration closed)

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