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Something a little bit different this time. Focussing on Gallium and Indium recovery using mesoporous sorbents!

🔎 Forschende von TU Wien und @univienna lüften nach jahrzehntelanger Suche das Geheimnis um die #Oberflächenstruktur von #Aluminiumoxid. Die Ergebnisse wurden jüngst in @ScienceMagazine veröffentlicht. #TechnikfürMenschen #ResearchMatters

Read our latest Community Board Pick blog by Materials Horizons Community Board member @GuselnikovaOlya summarising the recent work by @YadongYin_UCR on magnetic assembly of plasmonic chiral superstructures 🔗

Great #COAST24 conference organized by @valtinerlab @tu_wien & #CEST in scenic heart of #Vienna with @BernhardFickl on 🧊 #ice on #graphene ( & Bodo Baumgartner on #3Dprinting of #2Dmaterials 👍👍

3rd Conference of Applied Surface Technology (COAST), organized by Markus Valtiner and colleagues from CEST, Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna, 6.-7.5.2024, with strong MECS participation.

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