We are developing an electrochemical surface and interface analysis (ELSA) cluster at TU Wien to explore the multiple research areas associated with electrochemical technologies and their industrial applications. ELSA is a unique quasi in-situ facility, dedicated to understand electrochemical surface/interface phenomena at real operating conditions, and therefore, is fully equipped to characterize the sample. The infrastructure includes a distribution chamber (DC) attached to two electrochemical chambers, ultra high vacuum kelvin probe (KP), scanning x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (SXPS) and auger electron spectroscopy (AES). The research focus in one of the electrochemical chambers will be for solid/liquid interface (EC1) studies to perform cutting edge research in the field of electrolysis, CO2 reduction, corrosion and recycling. The second chamber will be devoted to solid/solid interface (EC2) studies for fuel cells and batteries. Additionally, this facility will be equipped with a vacuum suitcase to transfer the sample to other facilities without exposure to air.